Sunday, October 28, 2007

2.5 Tim

The crowd groaned as the ball slammed into the net. The match was tied again, and Tim was more than a little embarrassed.

"Shake it off, T, shake it off. There's still more ball to play. C'mon." Josh came over to him and they briefly slapped their palms together before positioning themselves to receive the next serve.

Tim said nothing, and just crouched, trying to clear his mind and concentrate. This was a task easier said than done.
"It's her!” he thought. “And you just messed up the shot. Way to go Tim, just awesome. You've been looking for this woman for two weeks and there she is wearing a freakin' bikini, and you look like a knob."

The ball came sailing over the net and suddenly Tim's head was back in the game. Josh tapped the ball up and the two of them did a perfect set and smash over the net.

Game point.

"Good up Josh, we got 'em buddy. Let's finish this."

Tim walked to the front of the net and gave Josh the signal, and Josh sent a perfect shot into the far corner. The other team was ready and made a stunning return, and suddenly the teams were in a fantastic rally that had the crowd riveted. Support for the two sides was equally divided, but as Josh set the ball and Tim spiked it into the sand, the entire crowd erupted in applause.

Tim and Josh grinned and high-fived each other before turning to their opponents. "Two Stellas my friends," shouted Josh. "Victory has made us thirsty!"

The losing team laughed and they all shook hands, saying the traditional "good game" before gathering up their belongings.

Tim scanned the crowd, but could no longer see Miss Flip Flops. "Dammit!" he thought. "Where did she go?"

He turned around and nearly knocked over a tiny woman with killer abs and endless curly hair who had suddenly appeared behind him.

"Hi!" She smiled at him. "That was an amazing game. Can we play the winners?"

"Uh, thanks," replied Tim, as he grabbed his water bottle. "I don't know - we were just heading out actually. Josh?"

Josh looked up from his task of rolling up the net. As he saw the woman talking to Tim, he smiled and straightened to his full 5' 9”.

"Hey T," who's your friend?" He asked.

"I'm Olivia," she replied, holding out her hand to Josh. "And this," she said, gesturing to Sydney who had just appeared behind her, "is my friend Sydney."

Tim thought he might choke as he gulped his water. Miss Flip Flops stood before him in all her pony-tail-sporting, bikini-top-wearing, blue-eye-shining glory. And her name was Sydney.

"So," chatted Olivia, "up for another quick match? We look small but we're mighty, I promise."

Tim was tired and he wanted a beer. But even more, he wanted to talk to Sydney. And he as pretty sure Josh wanted to talk to Olivia.

It was no surprise when they said almost in unison, "bring it on ladies!"

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