Sunday, October 28, 2007

1.3 Tim

Why the flip flops, he wondered. It detracted somewhat from the overall package, but not a lot, he had to admit. In fact, unlike the other women at the platform who were tottering uncomfortably in high heels, or marching solidly in comfortable granny shoes, this woman neither tottered nor marched. Instead, she walked confidently along, heading, it seemed, for a precise spot on the platform right next to him.

But she didn't look up at him. Apparently his wilted suit and rain-spattered shoes weren't enough to draw her eye away from her blackberry. "Ah, the crackberry,” he thought. “I suppose I'll get a new one today at work. If I ever get there. I should have taken a taxi. Where's the train?"

He watched as the flip flop woman finished tapping out a message and snapped the blackberry back into its case. As she dropped it into her bag she looked up at him.

He smiled as he noticed her blue eyes. She was now up to 4 points on his 10 point scale of “the perfect woman”.

"No signal down here," she said, pointing to her blackberry.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He replied.

"Oh, it's fine. That wasn't work. That was chatting with friends." She paused and laughed, "I'm not THAT addicted!”

The smile made 5 points. Of course those are the easy ones - all physical. Suddenly he felt the need to find out about the last 5 points.

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